Why Do We Slice? For the PRIZES?

Why do we slice?

For me, last year, I was motivated by the prizes, initially.  I loved the idea of winning something at the end.  I fall back to my childhood days of being at carnivals or Chucky Cheese. Prizes are fun. No doubt about it.

But, after making it two thirds of the way through last March, I had a day when I shared my slice but did not comment on other blogs.  I wrote about it here:


I was disappointed in myself. I wanted to be able to say, at the end of March, that I completed the whole challenge. Slicing and commenting!

Here I am again. Only six days in and I have realized that I forgot to go back and comment last night. But I feel differently about it then I did last year.  Last year, I was devastated. I know, seems extreme but I was, though I put on a good face in my day 27 post.  Seriously. I was really, really devastated.

Now, here I am. Out of the running of prizes, again.  No big deal. I know what the prizes are for writing every day – increased creativity, passion, and love of writing, being part of a community of writers, sharing in the journey of the Slicers.

My plan – continue in this process. Write and comment every day.

Regardless of my non-commenting yesterday, I remember that yesterday ALSO brought other opportunities…

I got to spend the day with my local Writing Project group (PAWLP). I got to be in a room with other Slicers like Dalila Eckstein and Lynne Dorfman. I got to have face-to-face conversations with these writers and others.  THAT was awesome.

I was able to share the work I have been doing with teachers about getting them excited about writing with an amazing Voxer group I am a part of, started by TWT’s very own Kathleen Sokolowski!

I downloaded a new book to my Kindle last night called Make Writing by Angela Stockman and began reading it! (Inspired by Jill Davidson from Shelfie Talk and Michelle Haseltine’s work with her 6th graders!)

I texted my friend Becca to get her psyched about running a Writing Maker Space this summer in our district. And since she is my only friend that actually reads my slices and gets them delivered to her inbox AND retweets them sometimes, she deserves a special shout out! Love you Becca!!

See? Those are the real prizes you get from participating in the March Slice of Life.

So, if you too are motivated by prizes, just know that there is more to this. (AND you can do what I did last year…head to Amazon or your local book store on April 1st and buy yourself a brand new book or journal or some pretty pens!)

13 thoughts on “Why Do We Slice? For the PRIZES?

  1. Thanks for the shout out!! You are doing amazing, inspiring work and love that you and Dalila and Lynne were together! I think you should plan to give yourself a prize at the end of the month for all your hard work. I’ve been considering a Fitbit so thinking I might give myself that after this month of hard work! I agree there are so many rewards beyond “prizes” but a gift to yourself after this major challenge works for me too!


  2. You hit the nail on the head. There’s also the satisfaction of completing something daunting in the face of our busy lives, the writing that would have remained merely very good ideas otherwise, and discovering so many other teachers across the country. But I also like idea of treating myself when it’s over. Great idea.

    By the way, it was great to see you yesterday. Let’s hope its not so long in between.


  3. You have a great attitude and understand completely. The real prize is everything you said, but the tangible prizes are motivational and contribute to a writing life since they are all literacy related, which I love. They help us keep going beyond March 31, or serve as a way for us continue to learn more or spread the feeling and understanding with others. In many ways, they help us continue to be life-long learners.They, too, have their place.


  4. You deserve a prize for being an inspiration to me and I have not even met you (yet)! You are definitely one of my writing mentors! Thanks for your always honest slices!


  5. The prize of writing for this community is priceless…. more than anything you can order or put in the mail. I don’t even know how you win I prize. We donate a prize, but I don’t even know how you win. I just love being part of this community. Just by participating — you won!


  6. So agree with Clare that just by participating, you are “winning”! Your writing and your reading will both grow as a result of the March Challenge but so also will your confidence. It’s great to have conversations with so many folks via blogs, twitter, and even Voxer!

    Congratulations, WINNER!


  7. Prizes are great, but the best prize for me is found in the comments. When someone tells me they enjoyed reading my words, I feel like a have won. Every time you post you are a winner. 🙂


  8. I agree with you. The prizes are what you gain from the writing, the reading of others’ writing, and the habit that it develops. Thanks for sharing this post today!


  9. I love the conversations we are having on Voxer! I agree with Kathleen, treat yourself to something at the end of the month. I’ve done that before and it feels good. Your accomplishment is showing up! So glad to hear your voice and read these slices!


  10. You are a winner! You have contributed so much to our conversations about writing and teaching. You have accomplished so much, and inspired so many. That is surely the greatest prize. Elsie’s comment resonated for me. The feedback feels like a prize each day. Being part of a community, also a prize. Having met you yesterday- GIANT PRIZE! Thanks for the shout out. I say we treat ourselves to lunch to celebrate our accomplishments during the challenge! So happy to be writing and learning together!


  11. This is a terrific slice, Dana! I feel exactly the same way. Connecting with everyone online is rewarding, but when I met fellow slicers face-to-face for the first time, I felt like I’d won the lottery. Being part of this nurturing, supportive community has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Thanks so much for sharing!


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