An Ode…

Ode to Cardio Fusion class…

Oh, how I love you and loathe you at the same time.

You make my muscles quiver and quake.

You beat me down and build me up, all at the same time.

You push me to sweat more than I have ever sweat before, so much so that the sweat seems to pool in my eyeballs, especially yesterday.

Allow me to talk about yesterday…ten pounds on each side of the bar.

Push Presses, Back Squats, Bicep Curls, and more, under my breath I swore.

Oh, you bastard of a class.

You tire my body but energize my spirit.

You exhaust my core but incite my passion.

Oh, Cardio Fusion, how I love you and loathe you at the same time.

4 thoughts on “An Ode…

    • Hello, my friend. I loved the ode – such great voice that comes with writing in the second person like this. I admire you and feel a little sheepish. My goal has been walking, and I am doing more and more of it each day. I will keep your hard work and determination in mind and do more! Thank you!


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